I'm Back!

So it’s been a bit since I made my last post… The past two months have been kind of insane with classes, schoolwork, and perhaps most importantly, the much dreaded summer internship search 👻. But I finally got an offer, and I am now ready to get back on track with blogging!

Hey Look Ma, I Made It

Like I said before, it has been a very difficult semester with my summer internship search. Lost count of how many times I got ghosted and/or rejected, and I was getting ready to just do research for the coming summer. Perhaps the internship gods decided that I was going to be the lucky cat of the year, and a recruiter from LinkedIn reached out with an opportunity, and somehow I made it through the résumé screen, the OA, the recruiter call, and the final three rounds of virtual onsite interviews… I cannot believe it. Even as I sit here looking at the offer, I am still in shock. Guess I graduated from the kiddie school and am now about to take the first step from the bubble into the real world.

All else aside, this has given me hope. There are so many new things to learn and I am beyond excited and grateful. Maybe I will move to New York City for the summer. Maybe I will get to meet some fellow interns/colleagues. Maybe I will start some serious photography projects. So many possibilities, so little time…